Development Awareness & Management of Natural Resources (DAMAN)

Dignity of a person should be upheld. Contribute towards government and civil society’s efforts in enabling the disadvantaged and backward communities to be healthy, literate, environment conscious politically aware.

Our recent activities

Planning & progress review meetings

DAMAN has developed some mechanism in the organization to review the integreated planning and progress of projects on regular basis for most appropriate and timely implementation of programmes. Planning and progress reviews during the year 2015-16 are as under:

Labours Day Celebration

DAMAN, for showing solidarity with labour, to discuss, appreciate and slam the labour related issues celebrated International Labour Day on 1st May-2016, at Hyderabad and arranged a walk in favour of peasant/labour from Old Campus to Press Club Hyderabad. And to show unity and cohesion with victims of human rights around the world and to condemn inhuman acts, violence, attack and assaulting of innocent humans, a walk on International Human Rights Day was arranged at Nangarparkar and the day was also celebrated at Rasani-Jo-Wandio Nangarparkar on 10th of December-2016. 

Death Anniversary of Amar Rooplo Kolhi celebrated

For making aware the targeted community about the sacrifices and contributions of their heroes and folk-men, DAMAN celebrated the 157th death anniversary of Amar Shaheed Rooplo Kolhi on 22th August-2015, at Nangarpakar, Tharparkar. The activity was organized to pay tribute to the freedom fighter and recalling the chapter history of the era 1859, and to make aware the people of the community about their sacrifices for the homeland and for the community.

Through this event, the targeted community was made aware about history of their hero and realized the value and importance of such celebrities in changing mindset of the future-generations.

Bonded Labour

DAMAN believes in freedom, because freedom is the natural right of a man. The core aim of the activity is to make the affected people independent in everything like decisions, thoughts, choices and so forth and also believes in physical freedom as well. Several people were reported in debt bondage and such people are living a life very miserable and deprived of basic rights. To secure the freedom of victims of bonded labour, DAMAN took significant steps in releasing those people who were in bondage and got successful in releasing them through law-courts. DAMAN supported and assisted the landless peasants by providing legal assistance.


S. No Activities Beneficiaries Quantity Venue
1 Freed Bonded Labor 531 persons Different Badin & Sanghar
2 Seminar on Importance of Education in ending Bonded Labor. 49 1 Nagarparkar
3 Policy Dialogue 25 1 Khanabadosh Literary Cafe, Hyderabad
4 Hari Conference Large no of farmers, lawyers, feudal landlords, factory owners and people from all fields of life participated. 1 Press Club Hall, Hyderabad
5 Training of Police officials 35 1 Hotel Indus, Hyderabad.
6 Training of Media personnel 30 1 Press Club Hall, Hyderabad.

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